2. Output Documents Compilation

Generate all possible documents defined in a project
	    make all [Pool=<pool_name>]

All outputs will be stored in Outputs/. Optionnaly one can specify a documents pool name (defined in conf/repository.xml) to generate only the documents defined in that pool.

Document Compilation
	    make -C manuals/<Doc_Name> <Doc_Name>.<output_format> [options...]

will compile the whole document named Doc_Name in output_format format. Please refer to Table 3.1, “Borges Output Formats”, for more information on supported output formats and below for more information on [options...].

Module Compilation
	    make -C manuals/module module MOD=<module_name> FORMAT=<output_format> LANG=<ll> EXCLUDE="<keyword1 keyword2...>" [options...]

will compile only the module named module_name, in the output_format format, in language “ll”. Please refer to Table 3.1, “Borges Output Formats”, for more information on supported output formats and below for more information on [options...].

Common Compilation Options. The following options can be used with any compilation command, in place of [options...], to change default compilation parameters:


Compilation is done for language language, where languageis the two lowercase letter ISO code for the language in question.


Uses alternative_stylesheet.dsssl as the DSSSL stylesheet. Note that the path ../../drivers/ is mandatory because of the -C option used with the make command.