6. Project Management Commands

Declare a new language to work on for the whole repository
	    make addlang NEWLANG=<ll>  NEWAUTHORS="authortask1 authortask2 authortask3 ..."



is the ISO code (generally two lowercase letters) corresponding to the language to be added. Make sure that code corresponds to the code used by DocBook stylesheets in /usr/share/sgml/docbook/xsl-stylesheets/common/.

"authortask1 authortask2 authortask3 ..."

Is the list of default authors associated to each of the tasks as defined in the modules workflow in conf/repository.xml.

Add a new document to the repository
	    make adddoc doc=<doc_name> master=</path/to/master.top.xml>

Will create a new document called doc_name based on the master file located at /path/to/master.top.xml. Beware to use absolute path. The system will take care of extracting entities from the master (if needed), and create all modules templates based on the contents of the master.

Change the repository release number
	    make release [NEWREL=10.1]

Bumps up the repository release number and reinitializes all workflows. if NEWREL is not specified, the current minor revision number is incremented (aka 9.2 becomes 9.3).


This command is quite heavy and will drastically change most files on the repository. Use with care. It automatically updates the CVS repository too.

Modify an existing document struture
	    make -C manuals/<manual> alltemplates

This is needed when one adds new modules to a document structure in manuals/<manual>/master.top.xml. That will generate all needed templates in all languages for the new modules. Note that this is not needed if the new modules already exists in another document.

Setting the work start date for a document in a specific language
	    make -C manuals/<manual> startwork [LANG=<ll>] [DATE=<YYYY-MM-DD>]

That will set the start date of work on document literamanual in language ll. If the DATE parameter is not specified, the current date is used.