Borges provides an easy procedure to start with a new documentation project. We will detail the configuration steps necessary to create a project template. Afterwards, the sample document provided with Borges will be compiled into both PDF and HTML and the progress report will be generated.
To start with a new Borges repository, you need to perform the following steps:
Create the project skeleton
Borges provides a simple script to create a new project skeleton. Let's assume you want to put your files under My_Project in your home directory, then you would issue:
/usr/share/Borges/bin/configure ~/My_Project
to do so.
Initialize the System with the Provided Sample
Now, Borges has to be initialized with a new document to work with. To do so with the provided sample, just issue:
make adddoc doc=My_Book master=/usr/share/Borges/Sample/master.top.xml
and directories will be populated with the minimum required files.
Compile My_Book to PDF and Check the Result
Now you can compile the sample document to PDF to check how it looks. Issue
make -C manuals/My_Book My_Book.pdf LANG=en
to do so, and check the resulting PDF by issuing
xpdf manuals/My_Book/My_Book.pdf
if everything went well, you should see a nice PDF of the sample document. Of course, you can use Acrobat Reader instead of Xpdf to open the PDF if you prefer.
Compile My_Book to HTML and Check the Result
You can also compile the sample document to HTML. Issue
make -C manuals/My_Book My_Book.flat.html LANG=en
to do so, and then check the results by pointing your favorite browser to ~/My_Project/manuals/My_Book/My_Book.flat.html.
Generate and View the Report
The report is a tool of Borges which informs you about the progress of the work being done in your project for all supported languages. To generate the report for the sample document, issue
make -C reports all LANG=en
and view the resulting report by pointing your favorite web browser to ~/My_Project/reports/index.html.
It was not that hard was it? Now, you can setup Borges to work with your own projects.